Spring Wildflower Walk

Cacapon State Park 818 Cacapon Lodge Dr, Berkeley Springs, WV, United States

Join herbalist Meaghan Thompson-Moore as she guides us on an educational walk and talk through the beautiful early spring ephemeral wildflowers in Cacapon State Park. We hope to see varieties of bloodroot, squirrel corn, Virginia bluebells, trilliums, Celandine poppy, Dutchman's breeches, Dwarf larkspur, Foamflower, Hepaticas, Rue anemone, Spring beauties, Trout lily, Twinleaf, and Wild blue […]


Tree Jamboree!

Capon Bridge Elementary School 99 Capon School St, Capon Bridge, WV, United States

We have a tree planting blitz scheduled at Capon Bridge Elementary on Saturday, April 19th from 9 am to Noon. We are fortunate to have the Cacapon Institute provide canopy trees every year in our community- this time at a local elementary school! Trees will be placed on the gym hill, along the driveway, added […]


The Early Bird Walk + Talk with George Constantz

Fort Edwards Foundation 350 Cold Stream Road, Capon Bridge, WV, United States

Rise early with the birds and join in the after-dawn chorus of our native song birds. Dr. George Constantz, author of “Hollows, Peepers, and Highlanders…” will lead this free hike. We will meet at the Fort Edwards Visitor Center at 7 AM. The hike will last 1 1/2-2 hours. (It will be easy for you […]
