Water Monitoring

Monitoring Water Quality in the Cacapon River

One way every river lover can help is to participate in our Keep Cacapon Clean campaign.  Every year, the spring rains wash tons of plastic, metal and other trash into the Cacapon—and every year, we need to organize trash campaigns.  With the Covid-19 crisis, we cannot safely conduct trash removal in groups.  

We will also be using this map to detail water quality monitoring data a six sites along the Cacapon under an agreement with the Cacapon Institute. You can click on individual stations to see current readings and click on each current reading to see data and trends from previous sampling. USGS real-time data is displayed when you click on the black diamond.

Watershed boundaries are also delineated and you can click with the boundary to see the subwatershed name and HUC code.

We will be updating our data very soon as the monitoring season begins.